With Gratitude!

Declaration by the President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, former President of the European Commission and honorary Minister of State Jacques SANTER on the occasion of the fiftieth Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

eu_santer.jpgThe Treaty of Rome, the Treaty at the heart of the European Union, marks its 50th anniversary. This is a moment to celebrate!

50 years of European integration, 50 years of unprecedented peace, freedom, stability and prosperity on our continent.

The lasting integration of Europe is not only a success story, it is surely a historic triumph. For the first time since more than 500 years, since the 15th century, our generation took the opportunity to unite our continent in peace and freedom. The Member States have the unique chance to enjoy the longest period of peace in their history.

Without any doubt, the European project is the most successful example of peaceful political change mankind has ever witnessed. Our children and grand children have some difficulties to imagine the political courage and vision that inspired European leaders to launch this process, only several years after the end of World War II.

Therefore this 50th anniversary has to be the moment to celebrate and to remember with gratitude the fathers of this great design, especially Robert Schuman, and to remember that the task of cooperation and integration of the human efforts of people is always our shared unfinished business. Living out the ideas of the founding fathers we have to promote the principals and values of the European model of society when we give an answer to the many challenges of the 21st century.

By way of promoting new leaders for Europe, the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Robert Schuman Institute in Budapest initiated and sustain an extensive program for the political education of young people from the former communist states in Europe.

The experience and strength of people who now constitute the European Union, particularly the young, are much needed to complete the repairs to human society and to their infrastructures from the destruction, wear and tear which are the continuing legacy of communism. Living out the ideas of Robert Schuman, all of us young and old must promote an authentic understanding of human dignity throughout the world, if we sincerely want peace, social stability and material prosperity for all, especially for mutual understanding and cooperation with all communities, especially with Muslim world.

Jacques Santer

Honorary Minister of State

Former President of the European Commission

President of the Robert Schuman Foundation

Source: EPP-ED Group, European Parliament, © Photo EPP-ED Group